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Equipment kitchen and home. Microwave and dishwasher, iron or TV. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Loading and unloading machine. Industry cargo equipment, forklift and delivery, shipping and loader, operator working. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Computer software design and drawing. Graphics tablet and programs functions. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Audio device set. Headphones with player, recorder or stereo system. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Automotive accessories, first aid kit and fire extinguisher, stereo or gps navigation. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Office equipment set. Printer and router, phone or cable. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Set of household appliances. Vacuum and refrigerator, coffee maker and washing machine. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Internet technology by satellite transmission of information or data cloud icon set. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.

Making make-up icons. Manicure and lipstick. Cosmetics for women. Vector illustrationVector files, fully editable.